As hard as it is to shoot silver Mylar during the day, it's even harder to do so at night...
Shown here are some stills from video shot Halloween night. The robot was positioned facing the walk leading up to our front door, and lit with floodlights on the ground. I had a fog machine positioned behind the robot's legs to waft smoke into the air, giving the scene more "realism". The lighting from the robots eyes, chest and arm would send beams of light through the haze, making for a fairly impressive display. But what really got people excited was the movement.
Trick-or-Treaters would walk half way toward the house, stop, and watch the robot for a minute or so, causing people to back up in lines waiting to get to our front door. We really had no idea what to expect in the way of numbers due to the terrorist events of September 11, but the turnout was great. Visitors offered all manner of positive comments and thanks (when does anyone ever THANK you for decorating your house?). Parents ushered their kids onto the lawn to get pictures near the "giant". Questions were repeatedly asked: "Did you make this?" "How long did it take you?" "How did you make it move?" "Why did you do this?"
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